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Cement Tile Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Installation – NOGA TM Cement Tiles 

1.) Store the material in a dry area. Moisture or dampness can damage the tiles. 

2.) Cement tile is subject to color and tonal variations and requires blending of tiles to achieve the best installation. 

3.) Install in accordance with current versions of American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) “A108 American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile” and TCNA “Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation”. 

4.) Cement tiles must be installed on a leveled, clean and dry surface or suitable stable sub-floor (Hardibacker, Permabase or Ditra) or vertical surface. Vertical installation on dry wall is not recommended due to the weight of tile and mortar. Backerboard or Kerdi-board is recommended substrate for vertical installation. 

5.) Use only high quality LHT mortar (Large-Heavy Tile Mortar). Rapid setting mortars may be beneficial for certain applications.

6.) Spread adhesive on substrate with a large notch trowel (1/2”). Apply adhesive evenly to back of each tile (back-butter) to achieve 100% coverage. Immediately remove excess adhesive with damp cloth or sponge before. Do not use any acids or alkalines to clean tiles. We do not recommend the use of mallet or hammer to level tiles. The installer should use their hands to ensure tiles are properly set and level. 

7.) Cement tiles should be cut using a diamond blade and wet-saw. 

8.) Allow 24-48 hours for tiles and mortar to completely dry before sealing. Tiles should be 100% dry before any sealer is applied or grout is installed. 

9.) Grout release application - Seal tiles with an impregnating or penetrating sealer BEFORE grouting (this will act as a grout release and prevent grout from staining tiles). Apply sealer until tiles will not soak up anymore, usually 2 applications is sufficient. Allow 2-3 hrs in between applications for sealer to dry. 

10.) Grouting – 1/16”-1/8” grout joint is recommended. Grout should be applied in small areas and cleaned up immediately. White or light color grout is recommended. Dark or black color grouts should be used carefully. If the grout color is darker than any color in the pattern, it can stain the tiles.

11.) After grouting, clean floor with a PH Neutral detergent. Any extra grout residue should be removed immediately. Take extra care with your tools during installation to avoid chips, stains, and water spots. 

12.) Seal tiles and grout for the final time with 1 application. Follow instructions for sealing. 

13.) Tiles must be covered after installation to protect the tiles during construction. Cardboard is recommended. Do not use Nylon or any material that will trap moisture, this could cause damage to tiles and installation. 


In order to enjoy the best appearance of a smooth floor it is best to follow our maintenance instructions: 

1.) Clean regularly with a PH Neutral detergent. A natural patina will occur over time, as the floor is cleaned and naturally wears.

2.) Never use harsh detergents and / or acid.

3.) For the first weeks after installing the tiles, you should expect some calcium appearance (white powder) - that can be easily removed by damp cloth or sweeping the floor.

4.) Important - in case of high calcium appearance after longer time, there is a probability that there is humidity under the floor. Please contact a professional for assistance.

5.) At entrances the use of walk-off mats is recommended to remove abrasive grit that may damage the tiles.